Kshar Sutra

Kshar Sutra is a time-tested, authentic Ayurvedic procedure that is completely safe and effective. In this technique, a medicated alkaline thread is used. It requires less than an hour and patients are discharged on the same day. Kshar Sutra reduces chances of recurrence as compared to other treatments.

Kshar Sutra for fistula is one of the best Ayurvedic treatments for fistula with a high success rate. Kshar Sutra (Seton) is an ayurvedic para surgical therapy for the management of anorectal disorders. This therapy roots from Ayurveda by Charak, Sushruta and Vagbhata, and its efficacy was established again by BHU’s Shalya Tantra Department. This technique is being practiced widely in India and also in many parts of the world.

Later both ends of the Kshar Sutra is joined together and replaced with a new one, a week later. The Kshar Sutra gradually cuts and heals the track. Finally, the whole fistulous tract heals after cutting.

Kshar Sutra for fistula is first prepared by coating a surgical linen thread gauge number 20 with Snuhi latex (Euphorbia neriifolia) for 11 times. Then, Snuhi latex and Apamarga Kshara for 7 times and Snuhi latex and Haridra churna for 3 times. The patient must be on either local or spinal or general anesthesia while in treatment. Then a malleable probe passes through the external opening of the fistula, to the internal opening in the anal canal. And then the probe is taken outside gently along with Kshar Sutra in the groove of the probe.
